Friday, October 06, 2006

A Little Bit of Color

As I said before, fall is almost here. I drove (and walked) around a bit this morning after dropping off AnnaLaura and here's what I saw. Enjoy!!
Arbutus Lake
(near our house)

Sumac along Boardman Lake

Vine along Boardman Lake

Arbutus Lake (again)

View from my driveway

Tonight we're going to AnnaLaura's school carnival!! I took AnnaLaura to the school book fair this afternoon and left with many (some would say too many) books. I even managed to find a few for me. One of them, Dream Big with Olivia, I recommend to all. While it is a children's book, it is filled with the most wonderful quotes from such people as: Albert Einstein, Lewis Carroll and Harry S Truman. So check out the children's section in your local bookstore!! I'll leave you with my favorite quote (also found in the book, which is why I bought it)...

"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it." Jules Renard


The Grays said...

Nice pics! Color sure is popping out lately.

thekrulls said...

I love the pictures you took of the Fall leaves - beautiful!