AnnaLaura had her first school pictures taken last month (okay, maybe a "week" of firsts was an inacurate title), and look: she's not acting like a complete goofball!! Who woulda guessed? It's actually a good school photo...I am simply amazed. In warning, the resolution on this pic is very low. I do, however, have many many copies here at home and will gladly send them out to those that want one. As long as you don't mind a wallet sized one, that is (I will order more larger sizes if enough people request them though).
Her Kindergarten class had a "Culminating Event" this past week, to which the parents were invited. Now I'm a bit confused here as I thought that a culmination was an ending or climax, but oh well. We got to see "A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener" condensed into 30 minutes. We even were treated to a rendition of Going on a Bear Hunt by our children (we were asked to join in...unfortunately I had my camera with me and so was duty-bound to photograph the event).
After the singing and dancing, her Spanish teacher, Sr. Cole, came in to give a short demonstration of his lesson. Okay, my kid tells me every day of school that she hasn't learned any new spanish words, yet she seems to know "sit", "stand", "fast", "slow", every color of the rainbow, and quite a few animals as well. Methinks someone is lying... I should mention that AnnaLaura also refuses to tell anyone, and I mean anyone, anything about school. Her counting is much better, she has learned a few "sight words" such as we, the, is, I, and can write her name better now as well (otherwise I'd think she was skipping class). She can also write her name backwards (completely backwards: right to left with all letters reversed) which I'm thinking is not a skill that they teach at school.
And now her most recent "first"! She has never, until today, been to a movie theater. Let's face it, movies are loud, crowded, and expensive. I was not about to take her into a cinema until she figured out what they were on her own. Well, someone finally told her about them. Get this. We now have an excuse to go see children's movies (as if we needed one before)! And what did we go see? This movie is grrrreat! Go see it!! Now! With kids or without, you must go and see it! This is an order! What are you doing?? Why are you still reading this? Go watch this musical penguiny basket of joy (I kept waiting to hear the soundtrack from Grease...but in a good way...I really don't like Grease, but...oh, just trust me and see the movie). Who knew Hugh Jackman could sound like Elvis, anyway?