Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The Magical Pillow of Sleepiness +4

Mystery is not happy unless she is sleeping on something. It could be a pile of laundry, a blanket that has fallen off the couch, or even a sock...she doesn't care what she's sleeping on, just as long as she's sleeping on something. So...for Christmas she received her very own doggie pillow (which means that she has somewhere to go now when we chase her off the pile of laundry). Tigger has tried to steal it from her, but has ended up sharing it with her. It's amazing how a pillow creates friends...

It also appears that others cannot resist the power of the pillow. After spending 2 hours trying to get MP3 to go to sleep (Deadliest Catch was on so I couldn't go into his room with him) he staggered over to the doggie pillow and collapsed. Ahhhhhh...it must be a magical pillow!

MP3 feeling particularly smug. At least, I assume so. Look at those cheeks!

Last weekend we had a garage sale. For some reason I get the feeling that the Kidlet was a little fed up with us...

She was very unhappy that no one actually took her home with them. She was having a very bad day... poor child... Nana took her home (she came to help keep track of MP3 during the sale) so that helped her mood somewhat. I think she's 7 going on 13...and we've already hit moody. Joy.

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