Well, I've done it. My beloved rust-heap of a car is now gracing someone else's driveway. *sniff* Believe it or not, I will miss that car. And why have I done away with it? Well......I traded it for a camera. Yep, you heard right. I am now the proud owner of a Nikon D70.
I borrowed this same camera to shoot a wedding this past summer, and loved it. When we received the Nikon D80 at work a few weeks ago, I offered to buy my co-worker's camera (so he could buy the new one), and to my surprize he said yes (actually, he said yes after calling his wife for permission). The next day I jokingly offered to trade him my car for it. Next thing I knew he was calling his wife again. Seems that he had been looking for a junk heap to last him until next spring. Lucky me!! I had been planning on selling it, and hoping that I could get $500 for it.
Since I have now (finally) entered the digital age, perhaps I can figure out how to use all this photo-editing software that I've had on my computer for 5 years. Can anyone believe that I've worked in a camera store for 5 years and am just NOW getting a digital camera? And hey, look! I figured out how to "merge" two photos together. I'm cookin' now!
On a slightly similar note, a regular costomer of mine has decided to photograph weddings again (he runs a modeling agency and had stopping doing wedding photography about 3 years ago) and asked if I'd be interested in working with him!! Yippee!! I absolutely love shooting weddings! Come on, Paul....book those weddings!!
I can't believe all the "banned" books that I've read over the years. Wonder if I've ever read one that hasn't been banned somewhere for some reason!
Too bad the "photographer" couldn't get Paige to look at the camera and smile. Pretty good pic of everyone else. Boy, am I good, huh??
I loved you pic of the double lightning. Just fantastic, Carrie. You are very accomplished.
Nice rust bucket!
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