Monday, February 16, 2009

Story Time

Let me tell you a story. Every night, after dinner, is bath time. MP3 loves his baths. He also loves to accidentally stick his face in the water and inhale. Since I do not like to spend too much time bent over the side of the tub in a futile attempt to keep him from trying to breathe water, bath time can sometimes be rather short.

The other night was like any other night. He crawled around the tub, stood up and banged on the faucet (I think he's trying to make the water work...), but then he did something new. He stretched his legs out behind him so he was laying on his tummy, and then he very slowly and deliberately stuck his face in the water. He slowly brought his head back up and started blinking. I'm fairly certain that he had his eyes open the whole time. Of course five minutes later he accidently stuck his face back under water and inhaled, but odd was that?

Then another odd thing happened. I was pointing out all the different sea critters on his washcloth (shell, octopus, fishy, crab, starfish) when he grabbed ahold of my finger and made me point to every single starfish. But the strangest is yet to come.

Then when my back couldn't take anymore, I said, "All done," and he gave me this absolutely puzzled look, which is odd since whenever anyone says "all done" he normally starts saying it over and over. Anyway, he looked at me strangely and I went to unscrew the drain stopper. He began chanting, "Nononononono," crawled over to my hand and took it off the stopper. I am sooooooo doomed!

Oh yeah, and he loves to follow the dog around and make her tail wag....

Wag the dog!

He routinely takes 4 to 6 steps now before going to his knees. The other day he actually stayed upright for 11 steps! Yesterday he did: step, step, step balance wobble step, step, step balance wobble step, step, thump! And when he makes it to his destination he looks like this (see below).

He has discovered (some time ago) that the dog crate makes a great place to stand and hang on.

We also discovered that our blankets have a wee bit of static electricity....


1 comment:

The Crazy Purple Wombat said...

That is totally adorable Thank you so much for sharing! I wish I'd been visiting here long ago! I used to but got out of the habit! I am enjoying your writing style as well as the wonderful photographs you take! Thanks so much for sharing!! Love & hugs - Me x x x x