I just looked out my window and saw......
I hate it when it s...(insert 4 letter "s" word here). Why oh why must it do this?
I took Mike an hour to drive to work today (normally 20 minutes) and it took the neighbors 30 minutes to drive The Kidlet and their son 5 miles to school. According to the radio, the road by our house is the worst in the county this morning and the rest of the area is just fine for driving through. Over half of Mike's drive time was spent covering the first 3 miles. I think I'll stay inside for as long as possible.....
um, wow. That is 100% foreign to me. Ive seen snow like 2 times in my life and never like that!
If it makes you feel any better it's now a mere 7 hours later and there's 2-3 more inches of snow out there. *grumble grumble*
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